Saving energy in a hospital utilizing CCHP technology


Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Shimane University


This paper describes a study that starts with an analysis of typical energy demand profiles in a hospital setting followed by a case study of a combined cooling, heating, and power (CCHP) generation system.
CCHP is an autonomous system that combines the generation of electrical, heating, and cooling energy.The driving units are two high-efficiency gas engines that produce electrical and heat energy. A gas engine
meets the high electrical and heating energy demand requirements - a natural gas-fueled reciprocating engine generates 735 kW of power. In our case, the electrical energy was used only in the hospitals.
Purchasing power from the public network covers deficits in the required electricity. Generated steam drives three steam-fired absorption chillers and provides heat for individual consumers; thus, the system
provides simultaneous heating and cooling. Implementing the CCHP system did not identify any technical obstacles. The hourly energy demands during several seasons throughout the year determined the typical patterns for CCHP driving units. The average ratio between electric and thermal loads in the hospital is suitable for operating the CCHP system. An analysis performed for an improved CCHP system predicted
a large potential for energy savings and CO2 reduction.
